Home News JianMin Li guide municipal peoples congress financial work committee each leadership visit Hanhai New Material investigate and survey enterprise operation situation.

JianMin Li guide municipal peoples congress financial work committee each leadership visit Hanhai New Material investigate and survey enterprise operation situation.

Li Jianmin led the Municipal People’s Congress Financial and Economic Work Committee to visit Bohai New Materials to investigate the operation of the company

  On the morning of June 22, Li Jianmin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, led a delegation from the Financial and Economic Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to visit Bohai New Materials to investigate the operation of the company. Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Director of the Financial and Economic Work Committee, Wang Digui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, deputy director of the Financial and Economic Work Committee, Jiang Gang, member of the Financial and Economic Work Committee, and deputy researcher of the Municipal Bureau of Statistics, Sheng Hong, participated in the investigation, and Xia Lunping, the leader of the two committees of the development zone, Zhang Chenggang, Wang Hao and the head of the Economic and Trade Development Bureau accompanied the investigation. The company’s executive vice president Lu Heshu and vice president of technology Wang Wenhui accompanied the investigation. Vice President Wang Wenhui introduced the company’s production and process to the guests in detail. Li Jianmin and his entourage learned in detail about the company’s production and operation, technology, market expansion, direct financing, etc., and then held a seminar on investigating the economic operation of enterprises in the Investment Promotion Center of the Management Committee.

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