Home News Employee birthday party.

Employee birthday party.

In order to promote the company culture, let employees feel the warmth of the Bohai family, give affirmation and gratitude to the employees for their long-term hard work, express the company’s care for the employees, since March 2016, organized by the company’s administrative personnel department, The birthday of the employees of the month held a group dinner and birthday party. On April 29th, the employees of the birthday party in April gathered together to talk about work experience and friendship. In the same month, “Shouxing” was gathered together with the company’s invited leaders. Everyone was happy and happy. Manager Liu of the Administrative Personnel Department pointed out in the opening remarks that today everyone is fortunate to meet here, and we must cherish the good times and cherish the good times of cooperation and cooperation in the Bohai Sea. Second, we must cooperate, we must understand each other, understand each other and cooperate with each other; Grateful, thanks to the platform given by the company, work hard, work hard, reflect its own value, and progress with the company. In the process of mutual toasting, everyone experienced the love of colleagues and leaders. Intermittent meal, through the WeChat red envelope, the scene laughter and laughter, the atmosphere is pushed to the climax. The finale of the birthday party, singing birthday songs, Xu Jiayuan, blowing candles, and cutting the cake as scheduled. The staff of the administrative personnel department will subdivide the cake on the spot and cherish it for every birthday employee. At this moment, the songs burst into laughter, and all the blessings and greetings have already been injected into the heart of the Bohai people. I hope that they will know each other and let the sincere friendship flow like a mountain in the sea, letting the sweet smile at this moment. Bloom forever.

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