Home News Moon cake as a gift of the Mid Autumn Festival, On the happy festival, more than ever we think of our relatives far away.

Moon cake as a gift of the Mid Autumn Festival, On the happy festival, more than ever we think of our relatives far away.

  ”Autumn Mid-Autumn Festival, every festive season, and the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, the Bohai Administration began the 2014 Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake distribution from August 23, contacted the manufacturers to select moon cakes, summary, statistics The employee list and the consignee’s relevant information, in order to ensure that the moon cake arrives accurately before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the staff carefully check and confirm the collected information to ensure the successful completion of this work. According to the company’s instructions, the moon cakes are sent to the employees’ homes in principle, but some employees go out to their homes. If the moon cakes are sent to their hometown, they will not be accepted. In order to adapt to this actual situation, the administrative department timely adjusted the work ideas, re-confirmed the information sent by such personnel, and sent it directly to the unit. On August 28th, the moon cakes were sent from the suppliers. Because the employees came from all regions of the country, in order to ensure that the families of the remote localities can also receive the goods before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the administrative department and the supplier, the EMS express, the employees and the units The department maintains real-time contact, ensuring that each moon cake arrives accurately and on time. On August 29th, the Bohai factory received some moon cakes sent to the factory. When the moon cakes were distributed to the employees, everyone was filled with joy and joy. They said that although they could not go home and reunite with their loved ones, they were in the big family of Bohai. In the heart of our board of directors, there are colleagues and workers who help each other. We eat the moon cakes sent by the company, and we also appreciate the warmth and care of the Bohai family. For a long time, Bohai employees have joined hands and shoulders together. After many bumps and hardships, relying on sincerity and diligence, Bohai has made great progress. While achieving rapid development, the company has always adhered to and advocated Bohai’s unique “home culture”, that is, everyone has the opportunity to work together in Bohai, not only colleagues who work together, but also brothers and sisters who share the same honor and disgrace. The Mid-Autumn Festival in 2014 arrived. Thank you for your dedication and dedication to Bohai in the past year. Thank you for your support to Bohai Unemployment. Chairman Liu Shangping of Bohai Company and all the staff of the Board of Directors would like to extend their sincere greetings and sincerity to all colleagues. Blessings, by sending moon cakes to the most sincere wishes to your loved ones.

  (Correspondent Chen Mo Contributed)

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