Home News Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Chief KeGui Wu each leadership visit Hanhai

Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Chief KeGui Wu each leadership visit Hanhai

On the afternoon of July 4th, Wu Kegui, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Lu’an City, chief engineer Zhou Lei and the heads of relevant departments, accompanied by Zhang Chenggang, the deputy director of the Lu’an Development Zone, and the head of the Economic and Trade Development Bureau, accompanied by To Bohai New Materials, focus on counseling and on-site work on science and technology innovation related policies. Liu Jingcheng, general manager of Bohai New Materials, Lu Heshu, executive vice president, and Wang Wenhui, vice president of technology, accompanied the whole process.

  Mr. Liu first briefed the leaders on the achievements of the rapid development of the company in recent years, the progress made in the combination of production, study and research and scientific and technological innovation. I sincerely hope that leaders and experts will make contributions to grasping the science and technology innovation policy to promote enterprise development. Advice. Vice President Wang Wenhui made a detailed analysis on the characteristics of “specialization, precision, speciality and newness” of our products, and reported the company’s current project cooperation with Tianjin University of Technology, and the technical exchanges with China Metrology University and Tsinghua University.

  The leaders visited the company’s product showroom and production line, and fully affirmed the rapid development of Bohai New Materials in recent years. Relevant departments of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau conducted extensive exchanges with company leaders on the declaration of intellectual property rights, the management of corporate intellectual property rights, the risk of avoiding intellectual property rights, and the need for continuous research and development patents for high-tech enterprises. Leaders and experts at the meeting pointed out that the new high-tech enterprise application method is updated, and there are new requirements for the company’s financial account management. Enterprises must do a good job in innovation, patents are the core and foundation. Only by continuously developing new patents will they continue to enjoy the preferential policies of the state in terms of science and technology awards, and the enterprises themselves must protect their own patents. Innovative enterprises are the mainstay, and the science and technology sector is the auxiliary. Technology innovation-driven development methods enterprises must study hard. In the major special projects, the enterprise project should be filed well, and the municipal engineering technology research center should be done first, and the innovative enterprises and intellectual property enterprises should be carried out in turn. The leaders of the Development Zone Economic and Trade Bureau gave a brief introduction to the licensing of the province’s science and technology demonstration parks obtained by the recent development zones, emphasizing the high technological content of the technology enterprises in the park. Bohai New Materials can effectively use this platform to accelerate the development of scientific and technological innovation.

  The Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Wu listened carefully to the report on the production and operation and technological innovation of the company in recent years, and fully affirmed the development ideas of the enterprise to carry out scientific and technological innovation. He believed that the enterprise can be subsidized in research and development equipment, major special projects, and provincial key laboratories. Deep excavation in other aspects. He emphasized that Bohai should further increase investment in research and development, strengthen the cultivation of innovation subjects, improve the construction of innovation platforms, enhance intellectual property awareness, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. In the future, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the Economic and Trade Development Bureau of the Development Zone will further provide a solid service for enterprises, help enterprises understand more relevant policies, strive for capital and project support, and help enterprises become bigger and stronger. In light of the actual situation of our company, Wu said to advocate patents and stimulate power. Grasp cooperation and apply the cooperation relationship of outside organizations. Grasp the policy and enhance the momentum.

  At the end of the meeting, Zhang Chenggang, deputy director of the Development Zone Management Committee, made a concluding speech. On behalf of the Development Zone Management Committee and Bohai New Materials, the leaders of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau welcomed them to the company’s on-site office to answer questions and give advice to the company. It indicates that the development zone will fully support the work related to Bohai Science and Technology Innovation, instruct the Economic and Trade Bureau in charge of the project to do the project convergence and counseling, and strengthen the daily service to the enterprise. At the same time, I hope that Bohai should seize the opportunity of high-tech enterprises and provincial-level specialization and special-purpose enterprises to declare success, do a good job in project planning and increase financial support in science and technology innovation work, and truly promote innovation as a way to promote sustainable development of enterprises. Motivation.

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